responsability Project
Nothing that the girls from in 6th grade in the afternoon
Moralba’s school are using makeup at an early age (12-14 years), EYESLASH
decide to give them a meeting
showing the problems or effects
that causes wear makeup, such problems are known as: early aging, wrinkles,
sensitivity, stains, demartitis, acné. The use of makeup in a Young age nowadays
is more usual tan before, so it generates some known skin disorders as acné,
which causes a blockage on the skin, specifically on their pores, causing an
alteration in the development of the gland pilosevacea and altering the
development of this.
Another disease
better known for the use of makeup is contact
dermatitis on sensitive skins
because there are products that
cause irritation an later on can become a chronic disease.
a company which seeks through meeting or
conferences, give a support to Young girls
from 6th grade of Moraba’s school and
make them understand the importance of using makeup in an age without causing any damage to suitable their sking, avoiding
complications in their future.
To make a conference for girls in 6th grade from moralba’s school, showing
them the consequences of makeup at a young
That young people understand the importance
of makingup an appropriate age and taking into account the chemicals that harm
their skin
To reduce the number of girls who use makeup
at an early age in order to take better
care with their skin.
This Project is implemented with the purpose to give a
message to the girls who wear makeup ,
in this case the students of grade 6th from Moralba’s school, EYESLASH
developes this campaign to
provite a benefit to the girls, trying
to make them be conscious abou
the health risks and diseases that are brought
by making a a Young age: helping them to determine what is the suitable age for wearing makeup
and avoiding health problems like
chronic skin disease.
Nowdays the majority of the female population and a Little of male used makeup, because it provides beauty and security. People make-up since ancient times, in different ways and
with different gadgets, but deep is always the same idea, for being more attractive and improving our appearance. nowdays, makeup is used as a
"weapon" to seduce, certainly
it is more attractive a good make-up face because it can enhance the most beautiful ones
features and hide the less graceful. It
may be easier to make a trip back in time and through ancient civilizations to
see how they used to wear cosmetics and how they obtained them. Egyptian
women stood out the eyes that make-up with bright colors, the eyelids were painted
on bright colors obtained by mixing soil, ash and
ink. Recently it has been discovered in the tombs of the Pharaohs
remains of makeup used for the face and surprisingly, scholars show that these
cosmetic products aren’t so different from those wear nowdays. Egyptians were
also the ones who began the fashion of lipstick, they made it from a dye made of red ocher and iron oxide
naturally spread with a brush or a stick. Going Through Greece and Rome, makeup bécame perfect
and started to be to important also skin whitening is attempted
with a mixture made from gypsum, bean flour, chalk and white lead that eventually is obtained totally against to the results intended, and in that contact with the suni t obscured their face. The real heyday of makeup
can be found in france, where the faces were whitened with powder and a bright
pearly cream based on sulfur that had caused fatal poisonings. The era of the
mid-s. Century marks the beginning of modern makeup; nowdays appears for the first time lipstick,
specifically in 1880, consisting of an ointment composed of fresh butter,
beeswax, a natural dye roots and black grapes without pulp colors without
producing side effects. From then until today, the cosmetic has turned one
hundred eighty degrees and we have a huge market focuses primarily on women and
improve their image with all kinds of industrially manufactured products. (
The project of EYESLASH company is
going to make in MORALBA’s school and it’s interest begins with awareness of good use use of makeup by the teenagers in 6th grade;
according to a model focused on building a life project. The name of the Institution
MORALBA, was taken from the ranch where
it was located and was characterized by the presence of blackberry bushes. The
institution started working in 1963 on the 42d south street it had three classrooms for elementary education later (about the year 1868)it joins to the city of Bogota. Teachers worked in the school and those with the most grateful
MONTENEGRO, LUZ MARINA MURCIA and others teachers. In the year 1976 under the
leadership of the community and the principal ALEJANDRO VELASQUEZ, the special district of
Bogotá built more classrooms where nowdays
is the former headquarters. There were
developed seven more classrooms with
suport community. In 2001 the principal MARIO CASTRO, achieved a favorable opening
for the sixth grade, which it started high school. Are remembered as principals,
RODRIGUEZ and others. community leaders as ALBA MELIDA RINCON, RINCON ANTONIO,
ALFONSO RAMIREZ and RAUL BERMUDEZ,who contributed to achieve of the new building’s construction. (textbook; MORALBA’s school, of the year 2011, page10-11)
The biggest problem that worries sometimes to teachers
and parents, is the exclusive use of makeup in teenagers at an early age (12-14
years), as the teens want to look good without knowing the disadvantages that
brings makeup at this age . One problem is
that makeup can cause allergic reactions in many women. Some fragrances and
other chemicals that can irritate the skin. So lately mineral makeup has become
the arena as a better alternative for skin health. As its name implies, mineral
makeup is composed of minerals, it is
light to the skin to make it breathes
and doesn’t contain preservatives, talc, oil, dyes, fragrances or other
irritants compounds. This last thing is the acné that differentiates it from traditional makeup,
which contains these types of substances that can cause allergies and possibly other adverse
reactions in the skin’s people. Such as contact dermatitis which is a skin condition
in which the skin becomes red, sore
after direct contact with a substance in this case the makeup. There are two
types of contact dermatitis: irritant or allergic. Irritant dermatitis is
caused by contact with acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents,
fabric softeners, solvents or other chemicals. The reaction usually resembles a
burn. Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by exposure to a substance or
material that you have become extra sensitive or allergic. Allergic dermatitis
often causes a rash red, mottled or patchy where the substance came in contact
with skin. Another negative reaction in the skin of makeup is premature aging,
dermatologists and some other experts
have expressed concern about the components of makeup, and have stated that
some of these components may break down collagen causing skin aging. Makeup can
clog pores, if it isn’t cleaned well and exfoliates the skin to remove excess
build-up can cause is important to say that reactions to cosmetics are individual and
depend on each skin irritability and conditions prior to the implementation of
this makeup. However, a generality becomes when the skin is very dry or irritated,
then it is more usual that the compounds of these substances enter and make
sensitive. It Prevention is important
and it depends on people to take into account
that the cosmetics won’t be "non-comedogenic" that is, not let the porous become to blackheads. Another
recommendation to consider is to detect substances that could be allergic and
that if this comes to be in some cosmetics, finally, you should remove makeup
daily at night, through a makeup remover and water. The cosmetic makeup
contains many substances: pigments, fillers, processing ingredients and other
ingredients. Formulated dyes Pigments 5-20%, the color pigments are key
substances in the formulation due to the properties and effects they provide.
The evolution of the pigments has been spectacular: if large, irregular,
visible to the naked eye, creating a "mask effect" - have become small
rounded particles, almost imperceptible, allowing gas exchange of the skin
without causing occlusion . The affinity with the skin has improved dramatically
thanks to the coating of the pigments with various substances such as amino
acids, mainly lysine and derivatives of silk-volatile silicones or derivatives.
Charges are powders that are not based on color, but it gives more consistency to the product. They play a
key role in product texture and final appearance on the skin: it is a powder.
Among the most widely used, there may be mentioned the following: Talc, which
improves the adhesion of makeup on the skin. and boron nitride (INCI: boron
nitride), which slides very smoothly over the skin. It is used in the water /
oil emulsions, make-up stick (sticks) and pressed powder. (,0,0,1,0,0/
Diseases caused by
number 1)
Acne, also known as common acne
(acne vulgaris) is an inflammatory disease pielcausada by a bacterial infection
of this due to changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting
of a hair follicle and associated sebaceous gland).
The most common form of acne
called acne vulgaris, referring to common acne. This is presented as a series
of excessive secretions of sebaceous glands, which combined with dead skin
cells, block the hair follicle also sometimes a defect in the process of
keratinization of the skin, which leads to abnormal pores spill skin lining.
It is unknown why some people get
acne and some do not, but is known to be partly hereditary.
Several factors are known linked
to acne:
Hyperactive sebaceous glands,
secondary to the hormones listed below.
Accumulation of dead skin cells.
Bacteria in the pores, to which
the body becomes allergic.
The use of anabolic steroids.
Skin irritation or scratching any
trigger inflammation.
Exposure to high levels of
chlorine compounds.
Some components of makeup.
Certain drugs (such as steroids,
testosterone, estrogen, and phenytoin)
Contact Dermatitis

number 2)
Contact dermatitis is an inflammation
of the skin caused by an allergic reaction after contact, usually with small
foreign substances capable of penetrating the skin.
The typical skin lesion of
contact dermatitis is called eczema to the point that this entity is also
called contact eczema.
Eczema is a skin disease that has
several stages:
A. - The initial acute phase:
characterized by redness of the skin, sometimes associated with bleeding
(vesicles or "Aguilla" oozing from the lesions).
2. - After a few days these
lesions fall within the so-called subacute or intermediate phase, so they dry
and slowly peeling.
3. - If nothing is eczema
treatment, or if it becomes repetitive after a month, enter in chronic phase.
At this moment the skin undergoes a transformation in the form of a thickening
important and very dry.
In all these phases, the itching
is usually quite common with a moderate or high.
Affected skin areas, are
generally those that are in contact with
What substances cause contact
dermatitis most often?
The top 10 most common allergens
involved in contact dermatitis in European children is as follows:
1. Nickel: The main sources in
childhood are in contact with jewelry (more girls), spectacle frames and belt
2. Mercury: Mainly by contact
with antiseptics (Mercurochrome) and broken thermometers.
3. Balsam of Peru: Mainly in
adolescents in contact with cosmetics.
4. Cosmetics.
5. Potassium dichromate: usually
after contact with skin stained (shoes, coats, chrome objects, etc).
6. Cobalt content in paints and
crayons, metal objects, etc..
7. Wood tar: Mainly used in
creams and ointments to treat children with eczema or psoriasis.
8. Benzocaine: Used in childhood
as well as topical anesthetic to relieve itching.

number 3)
Conjunctivitis is an infectious,
highly contagious and discomforting inflammation manifested notorious
conjunctiva of the eye, ie the thin membrane that lines the inner surface of
the eyelid and the sclera, which covers part of the eyeball.
Depending on their form of
evolution and the specific characteristics of conjunctivitis are divided into
acute and chronic.
Acute conjunctivitis, represent
one of the most common diseases of the eye and although present at any time of
year, are accentuated much during seasonal changes, especially in spring and
Can also be caused by:
- Infections, by the use of
contaminated water during rainy seasons and floods.
- For dust, smoke, cold or the
presence of a foreign body.
- For allergic rhinitis or eczema
associated with the face.
- As a symptom of measles.
- For Staphylococcus aureus,
pneumococcus, influenza and other bacteria hsemofilus.
- Some STDs, like gonorrhea or
- Genital herpes spread by
infected mothers at the time of delivery and that can cause a serious type of conjunctivitis
in newborns.
- For chemical irritation.
- Air pollution
- Sun's ultraviolet rays.
- Exposure to bright light.
- Allergic reactions to
cosmetics, pollen and other substances.
Legal Framework
The EYESLAH project is based
on the women rights which are promulgated and worldly defended.
Woman was born free and lives remains equal to man in rights, social
distinctions. Can only be base don the
The aim of every political association is the conservation of
natural and essential rights of women and men these rights are liberty,
property, security and above all, resistance to oppression.
The principle of every sovereign resides essentially in the Nation that is
the meeting of women and men: no body no individual may exercise authority that
does not emane from them.
Freedom and justice means to return
everything which belongs to others, so the exercise of the natural rights of
women alone is perpetual tyranny limits that man opposes to him, these limits
must be corrected by the laws of nature and reason.
laws of nature and reason forbid all detrimental actions to society, everything that is not
prohibited by these laws, prudent and divine, can not be prevented, and no one
can be compelled to do what they do not
law must be the expression of the general will, all citizens must
participate in training by their owns or
through their representatives.
It Must be the same for all, all citizens and all citizens, women and men,
for being equal in its eyes, they should be equally eligible in all honors,
position and public employment according to their capacity and without
distinction than that of their virtues and talents .
No woman is exempt from being charged, arrested and detained in cases
determined by law. Women and men obey this rigorous law.
Law only should establish strict
penalties and obviously necessary, and no one can be punished except by virtue
of a law established and promulgated prior to the offense and legally applied
to women.
Over every woman who has been
convicted will drop the full extent of
the law.
No one should be bother for his opinions even fundamental women have the
right to go the scaffold; she should also have the right to go to the law,
providing that her demonstrations do not
disturb the public order established by law.
The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious
rights of women, because that freedom ensures the legitimacy of parents
regarding to their children. Any citizen
can therefore freely say, I am a mother of a child that belongs to you without a barbarian prejudice forces her to hide the
truth except answer for the abuse of this freedom in the cases determined by
women's rights and citizenship guarantee implies higher utility, this
guarantee must be instituted for the advantage of all and not for the benefit
of those owners is assured.
For the maw enforcenent’s maintenance
and for administrative expenses, the contributions of women and men are the
same, she participates in all personal services, in all drudgery, therefore, they will be involved in the distribution of
positions, jobs, positions, honors and other activities.
The citizens have the right to, prove by themselves or through their representatives, the
necessity of the public contribution. The citizen can only approve it if it
supports an equal division, not only in wealth but also in public
administration, and it determines the amount, the tax base,and the collection and duration of the tax.
The mass of women, grouped with men
for the contribution, has the right to as kan accounting of
administration to any public official.
Any society in which the rights guarantee is not assured, nor the separation
of determined powers, has no constitution, the constitution is void if the
majority of the individuals comprising the nation have not cooperated in
drafting it.
The properties belong to all sexes together or separately, are, for each of
them, an inviolable and sacred value no one can be deprived of it as true
patrimony of nature unless public necessity, legally established, required it
so Clearly, under the condition of a just and prior indemnity.
editorial Athena publishing, pg 181-183)
date activity sign
august 17th 2012 intruduction to the subject
and company's presentation
august 31th 2012 talk about the problematic
that brings makeup in a
young age (diseases)
september 7th 2012 talk about skin care
september 14 th 2012 talk about eyeslash
product (mascara)
semptember 18th 2012 educational games
about shown conference
october 5th *make-up conclusion
* snacks distribution
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